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Showing posts from September, 2018

Brave(ly) Taking on Google over Data Privacy Concerns

Brave, a privacy-driven browser, and other plaintiffs have lodged complaints in Britain and Ireland against Google and other companies citing end-user data negligence. Our world today seems to be fueled by how much of ourselves we can put out there. Personal and heartfelt Instagram posts, selfies, live streaming the birth of your child on Facebook Brave, a privacy-driven browser, and other plaintiffs have lodged complaints in Britain and Ireland against Google and other companies citing end-user data negligence. Our world today seems to be fueled by how much of ourselves we can put out there. Personal and heartfelt Instagram posts, selfies, live streaming the birth of your child on Facebook (it does actually happen), you get the picture. These are things that we  choose to share with the world. We control our own level of privacy. Privacy is Key However, according to  Reuters , Brendan Eich believes that some corporations are not as careful with our privacy as we are.