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Showing posts from March, 2019

Russian Human Rights Commissioner Looks For UN Assistance to Banish Alexander Vinnik

Russia’s Commissioner for Human Rights has questioned the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to assist extradite, Alexander Vinnik, the former operator of now-defunct crypto exchange BTC-e, from Greece to Russia. Further, the news was issued by Russian news outlet TASS on March 5, Tuesday. During the meeting amidst Commissioners Michelle Bachelet and Tatyana Moskalkova on March 5, Tuesday, Moskalkova supposedly stated that Vinnik has been in serious condition because of the hunger strike he commenced in November last year. Moskalkova also specified that Vinnik’s wife is utterly ill and is on the edge of death. Further ombudswoman stated: “Given the extraordinary humanitarian situation, I would ask for help extraditing him [Vinnik] to Russia so that he could be closer to his family.” In the course of February end, Moskalkova stated on Michalis Kalogirou, Greek Justice Minister to deliver Vinnik to Russia accompanying his worsening health and the instituti

Leading IT Firm Cisco Systems Introduces Tech Development Center in Singapore.

Cisco Systems, International tech and IT firm has inaugurated a Co-Innovate Center in Singapore, the Bangkok Post  issues  on Feb. 25, Monday. Additionally, Cisco CTO Dave Ward supposedly said that the new center, there are 14 worldwide, will assist stimulate the growth of new technology in the province. The branch in Singapore will supposedly focus on the Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity, and blockchain technology. Also, the IT firm will supposedly provide various prototypes and represent potential applications of new technology in various distinct commercial contexts, along with in public education and administration. The center will supposedly showcase the Rotterdam Project, in which numerous aspects of port operation comprising vehicles, cranes, cargo, rails and water levels will be fully operated automatically by 2023. Also, Ward apparently stated that the same technology could be practiced in evolving ports in Thailand and Singapore. Cisco has been aggressive